1. Es couen les bledes i les sofregim amb la ceba (tallada a tires).
2. Batem 3 clares d'ou i ho barregem amb les bledes.
3. Afegim sal i pebre a gust i ho posem a una paella al foc amb oli.
4. Quan estiguin fregides, les retirem de la paella i les col·loquem a una safata amb paper absorbent per eliminar l'excés d'oli.
Ja estan preparades per a menjar...
Today we have seen that our vegetables are growing very fast. The carrots the we have planted a fwew weeks ago are growing, and also the lettuces, just look at the photography.
María F., Anna, Abdel, Maria L., Albert, Aleix, Sofía
1. Cuinem l'arròs amb aigua i sal.
2. Piquem la ceba i l'all i els sofregim amb una mica d'oli.
3. Quan l'arròs estigui fet, filtrem l'aigua i l'afegit al saltejat.
4. Bullim durant 3 minuts les fulles de bleda.
5. Farcir-les ratllant formatge, afegint les espècies i deixar que es refredi.
6. Farcir cada fulla amb una cullerada d'arròs amb molt de compte.
7. Embolicar l'arròs amb la fulla de bleda com si fossin regals i col·locar en una safata per afegir-ho al forn.
8. Escalfar al forn uns minuts.... I A MENJAR!!
Good morning!
Today is our first day in the garden. We have watered the vegetables and they are growing really fast. We have had a nice time.
We'll see you soon!
Laura, David, Guille, Dídac, Ayman, Clàudia and Júlia,
1 ESO A.
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018
This week we have plant some lettuces, carrots, onions, spinachs, chards, green peas, endive and radish.
Now we only have to wait until they have grown enough to cook them.
See you soon,
Good morning!
We have met our school garden. These year we will work together to grow some vegetables. To start, let's remove the weeds! We hope that you like the evolution of our garden. See you soon!
We plant strawberries,onions and tomatoes. We also water the plants. We also see that the tulips has grown. We protect the plants with bottles.
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018
We go to the garden and we remove the soil and plant the seed (carrot and peas) and protect the soil with the net. We found a bone of peagon and we put it underground the soil. The other group reuse the bottles.
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018
Last week we fixed the net to cover the plants and protect them from the animals. We used strings and needles. We fixed the nets because we are ''Escola Verda'' and we want to reuse, recycle and reduce.
Today, is the second day that we went to the garden. We put fertelizazer to the soil and move to make plants grow. We also we removed excrements we put fertelizazer to facilite the plants to grow.
viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018
Today it is the first day that we go to the garden. The teacher explains that we are going
to plant vegetables also explains the parts of the garden and shows the tools.
I hope that the plants grow fast to eat and also i hope the garden would be bigger.
The next day we cut vegetables in bad conditions. The next week use tools and plants vegetables and will go to the garden again.